YourDOST Blog

Inability To Study

This is a real life story of a bright school going boy named ‘Sahil'(name changed). depressed about his academic performance and his struggle for all round success.
Sahil, bright and motivated student that he was, was able to score very well in the subjects of his genuine interest, viz. Maths , Science and Geography. It was but languages- Hindi and Kannada(a popular South Indian language), where he felt he was no good despite making huge efforts. His inability to gain confidence in these languages was both frustrating and demoralizing to an otherwise brilliant student.

When consulted with Dr. Raju, Sahil came across as a very visual person. When asked to close his eyes and think about Maths, he could sketch himself sitting at a table, with a smile and thinking about how to solve the given problem and finally solving the problem. However, when thinking about Kannada, the imagery was that of his ill-tempered Kannada teacher in a grey color Saree (The color he is not very fond of!).

Now Dr Raju asks him do a little change- Photoshop the Kannada teacher in his imagination and replace her with a charming lady in a beautiful pink Saree (the color he liked!).
Upon asking if he still finds it intimidating, he says no and he wants to now read Kannada.

What exactly changed here? Did the subject become easier? Did Kannada teacher really become more docile and supportive?Perhaps not!

The only thing changed was the coding of his subconscious mind. Our minds are programmed such that when we think about something, someplace, some person- we tend to associate an image, a sound or a feeling with that thing and our responses, upon encountering those things later again, are based on our previous perceptions.

If we put an effort and are able to change this coding of our subconscious mind, we can do wonders just as how Kannada became less intimidating to Sahil, because now he was not seeing her as a grumpy person out there to get him, but a friendly being who’s there to help him learn a language.

To be able to control our subconscious mind is in our hands. Whenever we think about an unhappy event, automatically the colors are faded, characters are not so pretty whereas when we think about cheerful event the colors and characters all look vibrant and attractive. 

This coding, this pattern needs to be ‘Photoshopped’ whenever we are facing difficulties in any area of our lives due to our sheer perception. It needs to be practiced again and again till our subconscious mind accepts it as reality.

Note: This story is based on real life cases handled by Dr Jacob Raju. The settings and name used are fictional to maintain the annonymity

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