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PersonalSelf Improvement

Nothing Is Good Enough For Me

1 Mins read

This is the story of Anshita (name changed), a smart, ambitious and a very talented 48 years old woman working for IBM. Everyone thought she was brilliant and has achieved a lot but for herself  this was not enough. She was depressed that she hasn’t been able to achieve what she wanted to and it kept haunting her for years.
She felt inferior to share it with family or friends as they consider her as most successful person. With time she got more depressed and it took 10 years for her to seek help from a professional. The expert asked her various questions about her childhood and then she said something which shocked him.
Anshita told the expert that when she was 3, her parents appreciated her younger sibling Sakshi more and more. They always say that since the day Sakshi is born, house has been blessed with prosperity. This has hurt Anshita in a way that no-one expected. Since then she has been willing to prove her worth to her parents. This has been bothering her even today when she was 48!

How did she overcomes this?

Expert asked her to close her eyes and repeat loudly repeat in her mind that she is worth it. She was asked to do this exercise again and again and keep increasing the loudness at which she was repeating this sentence. She reached a point that she couldn’t be louder and then what?? With few attempts like this, she was able to convince her subconscious self that she is worth it!

Repetition helps in realization which helps in taking control of one’s own mind and thoughts. That’s all we need to control our emotions and be the best we can be emotionally.

Note: All characters in this narration are fictitious but the story is based on a real life case shared by counselor Jacob Raju.

28 posts

About author
Richa is the Co-founder and Conceptualizer of YourDOST – an emotional wellness solution where users can anonymously seek support from psychologists and other trained individuals. Richa holds a bachelor's degree from IIT Guwahati. Before YourDOST, she worked in the areas of product management, and user experience design.
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