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Receptivity And Not Age, Is The Key For Seeking Professional Help

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This is an incident that happened a few years back but I still quote this in various sessions. I was living in Mumbai and my neighbors knew that I was a counselor. Some of them did approach me for help.

One late evening, probably past eight,there was someone at the door. I opened and found my neighbour’s son, a seven or eight year old standing alone. Assuming he had come to meet my children, I let him in and went back to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he was at the kitchen door and said,” Auntie, I have come to see you.” After a  pause, he added,” I am upset…”
Immediately, I took him over to my cabin and helped through his emotional block that he was facing. Forty minutes later, a happy relieved child walked out .

A curious child that he was, he inquired his parents  about my profession and his parents has explained him about counseling in simple terms. He understood that he can approach me for a to talk to and seek professional and technical catharsis whenever faced with emotional turbulence.

This may not be a long story  to start off with. But being my first article, I wish to start by emphasizing the fact that receptivity , identifying the need for help and willingness to approach a professional is extremely important.

A young child could seek help. Then why are we having so many inhibitions. I have no qualms in stating that when I was in a crisis some years back, I too reached out and sought help. Just as how doctors need the assistance of another doctor when they are unwell, a psychologist / a counselor too requires it and most of the time do reach out and seek it too.

Every crisis has a solution – it is up to us to opt for it. Overcoming an emotional crisis with the help of  professional counseling helps us to handle similar situations with better maturity.

Seeking professional help of a  counselor / psychologist indicates that YOU have the courage to overcome your blocks. Just go ahead and do it!!

This story is based on real life cases handled by  Founder Director Sahayam – One Stop Intervention Centre for Children and Adults. We have changed the names to respect privacy.

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Founder Director Sahayam - One Stop Intervention Centre for Children and Adults.
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