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Hypnosis – Look Into My Eyes And Become My Slave

Hypnosis - Look Into My Eyes And Become My Slave
You are getting into deep sleep!
Look into my eyes”, “you can now hear only my voice”, “now you will only do as I say” are certain lines that remind us of the mystical land of hypnosis where a magician has the power to control our movements and even our thoughts. Sounds really fascinating! What if I say it is all false and no one else but you have the power to control your mind. Confused?

Yes, you and only you have the power to control you mind.


Hypnosis is neither a magic nor a lie detecting tool. In fact it is a tool that is used in clinical practices to attain a sense of relaxation, awareness, suggestibility and even cure. It is a phenomenon that requires high concentration to be able to experience it. This means that one cannot cast a magic spell on you and gain a control over you. Nor can they coax you to speak your mind against you will. Only if you are willing can you be hypnotized.   
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