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Masturbation – Is It Normal?

3 Mins read
Several queries, speculations, thought and emotions does flood our mind as we hear the word “MASTURBATION”.

As Curious unveiled his doubts we could throw some light on our understanding of masturbation.
I occasionally do some “self help” while watching porn and “spill the bean”.


You mean you masturbate which is also called as  “solitary sex” or “self love”. Its a natural process where individuals touch and play with their sexual organs so that they can derive pleasure.

But I always thought you shouldn’t talk about it loud.

It has been very less talked about. But it has existed since ages (Thomas Laquer,2003).

But is it normal? Do both men and women masturbate?

Several research surveys show that both men and women masturbate, with the male frequency slightly more and early initiation as compared to females. Regardless of the culture, values and beliefs it could be said that around 90% or more of people have masturbated once (NSSHB, 2009).

How often can I masturbate? Will I become addicted to it?

There are people who masturbate as less as twice a month, to the ones who do it twice a day. An ideal limit cannot be set. But the moment you start developing a sort of pattern where your thought are always obsessed about masturbation and accompanying fantasies it is something to be taken care of. If the individual largely tries to maintain the secret life to get the sexual self pleasure, also affecting their social, psychological and occupational spheres it certainly has become an addiction.

I have read about both benefits and consequences of masturbation on the web. Does that apply?

Of late several studies have been carried out scientifically which shows masturbation in a healthy light . Some health benefits can include – relieving stress, key role in sexual development making the individual more comfortable with their genitals, physical and psychological  exertion, research suggesting a theory of reduced risks of prostate cancer, and alleviating premenstrual tension for women (Masters & Johnson, 1953). On the other hand there are few theories that show the not so healthy consequences of masturbation- retarded ejaculations or sometimes losing the ability to control a timely ejaculations, psychological repercussions that are added due to the emotions during and after masturbation. Finally, the tendency to end up in obsessions and compulsive behaviors (Nuwagaba, 2012).

Despite feeling good at the time of orgasm there is a kind of anxiety and at times guilt in me.

These can be due to various reasons. In most cases masturbation is a private act done without the knowledge of others, this gives the start point to anxiety. Apart from that if an individual does not makes a conscious effort to define their value system there are chance that they may consider masturbation as right or wrong based on what the society says, this can add guilt.

Masturbation almost evokes all the responses and stages similar to that while in sex. However the fantasies and perception can be of ideal especially if done with the help of porn and other erotic content. This can later affect the individual’s self concept, esteem and value formation. For instance: Thoughts, obsessions about how to have sex with partner, ‘will my partner allow for xyz position?’, ‘what if I don’t get a partner who will let me do these?’. So all of these can cause a psychological impact.

A detailed understanding about it, and chats with experts is always advisable than forming our own assumptions.

Then may be I should be masturbating from now…

Masturbation in itself may be a helpful act to certain extent, if it doesn’t becomes an obsession. But however the moment masturbation and porn are paired together (as done by many) the entire process may take a new dimension. This can bring in, from the conflicts in moral values of the individual, to the array of negative consequences that accompany pornography. Thus making the natural normal process of masturbation into more aggressive and negative one.

We all are of the same opinion, that the subject of Onanism(masturbation) is inexhaustible. ~Sigmund Freud

11 posts

About author
A. Sabu John is your special friend from YourDOST. He is currently pursuing his MPhil in Psychology from Christ University. With teaching and facilitation as his passion, he has experience working with different population as a psychotherapist and also facilitating modules on Sexuality and Addiction.
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