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Social Media Addiction – How Big A Risk Is It?

The substrata of social media is connectivity but the gospel truth is that such sites forges an illusion of connectivity. Social media is addictive because it vouchsafes us with something which the real world is in deficit of. It gives us a world of our own where we are the hero like the one we watch in movies. It gives propinquity, direction, imagination and revere of all,” value as an individual”. Today’s generation is exposed to numerous social media platforms like facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr. Social media has its effect on all the three generations but it’s the young teenagers that is largely affected. For older generation it is about keeping in touch with their children far away in another country but for the young nurturing minds it’s a vast ocean of divertissement.

From updating new profile picture to tagging images and getting likes on them has become the latest cool among these youngstars. Making new friends from across the globe, chatting and wasting time that could be spent with family and friends is wasted on these social sites. Dolefully that’s not the end of diversion of tender minds. One of the risks that is most highlighted is cyber bullying over the internet, which mostly occurs on social media sites, such as Facebook. Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Submission of personal informations without reading the privacy policies is safe according to the teenagers. 21%of teens say it is safe to post personal information, including photos, online to a public profile. The sharing of personal information leads to identity theft, Your identity can be misused for different illegal purposes.


And then there are the brilliant minds called the social engineers. A social engineer are also known as hackers.For example, a social engineer breaks into a computer network might try to gain the confidence of an authorized user and get them to reveal information that compromises the network’s security. Social engineers often gamble on the natural helpfulness of people as well as on their weaknesses. With the number of cons comes a number of pros. It can be said that Facebook is doing a far more effective job than religion at teaching us all to ‘love thy neighbor,’ by connecting us with random strangers and ‘friends’ from distant lands.” It proves that world is definitely a small place by bringing us all with any background or any community any age group to one place where there is no barrier dividing us.

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