YourDOST Blog

How Common Are Uncommon Professions?

Life in India in general has a lot of variables to account for, especially if you’re just starting to think about your career. One would think that the only thing worth worrying about would be what you want to do with your life, but alas, that is not so. Our family and friends also factor into this along with our wants. Every parent has certain expectations from their child, some dreams for them. Now, while I agree that our parents only want us to be happy and successful, but at what cost? Should we sacrifice our dreams of becoming a writer, musician, painter, etc. in the quest of having a financially safe life, a life that will most definitely make us emotionally unstable?

Professions like becoming an engineer, a doctor, lawyer, chartered accountant, etc. have long been touted by society as the only ones to aspire for career-wise. Our whole education system revolves around these. From the time we’re in middle school and are told by our parents and teachers to pay more attention to subjects like science and maths, for they will matter to us in future, to the time when at the mere age of 15-16 we’re told to choose either Science, Commerce or Humanities. At 16, we’re decreed into a social order that we don’t even understand, and worst of all, we often have no choice in choosing these streams, as in the case of most students, they listen to what their parents tell them.
Then comes college which further separates us with its competitive exams, cut-offs and attractive degrees that we partake without fully grasping what it is that we’re hurdling ourselves into. How many of the students who settled for engineering or the medical field actually dreamt of being a painter, or a photographer? How many chose a field so opposite of what they’re passionate about? And one question that begs to be asked is that are these safe professions actually secure? The answer is scary. They aren’t. With every parent telling their kids to become an engineer, doctor, CA, etc. the supply of educated professionals in the market is more than the jobs available to them. Most have to make do with low paying jobs for which they’re overqualified.
The comforting part is that society is slowly, but surely, catching on. More and more institutes are opening up that provide courses on these off-beat careers and it will take a while for the societal perception to change completely, to accept these professions but that should not stop anyone from pursuing these. Don’t let society’s perception cloud your own mind. Think, observe and then choose.

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It’s the careers that stand out, things that you’re passionate about that should be followed. It won’t be easy or pretty for that matter, and it will involve a lot of struggle, but it will be worth every tear shed. There has never been a better time to follow your dreams than now, and once you do, everything will fall into place.
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