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“Love What You Do, Do What You Love” Is A Myth

From Confucius to Warren Buffet when it comes to work majority of people have the same advice for you “Do what you love”. We should definitely quote Maya Angelou who said “pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.”

We also find people advocating the opposite like Steve Jobs who said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” So, which one should we follow and which one makes us happy doing what we love or loving what we do? We can find the answer if we dig a little deeper.

First let’s not confuse with hobby/interest with passion for work which makes money. I love browsing internet and chatting in social networking sites but that doesn’t pay me. Finding a financially viable career passion is very rare. We may love something very much as a hobby but making a career, gaining respect for it, turning it into a business opportunity is extremely difficult. Passion is not something you follow, Passion is something that follows after you put hard work into it and become valuable. We find doing what we love a myth only if we confuse hobby/interest with passion gained through hard work.


Here’s a plan how we can chase this mystery.
Start Soon 
Think of all the things you are passionate about or were passionate about during childhood/high school. Answer this question Can I make money out of it? If the answer is no it’s simply a hobby you can do it in your spare time.

According to a recent report by the Indeed Hiring Lab , there are just 1.7 unemployed job seekers for every open position, which means that since there are more jobs, you can spend more time looking for the right opportunity, instead of taking a job you’re not completely passionate about. “Today, however, job seekers are now in the driver’s seat to search for and find a job they love. [They] are more in control to ramp up their job search to find more opportunities … that better align with their degree, personal goals and interests, or family needs.”

When you found a job you love or find interesting and financially viable work hard, improve you skills required for that business. Use small achievements to keep motivated. As warren Buffet said “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”. Don’t worry if you can’t find it in a single attempt, after all it is the passion of your life. 

See from the receiving end 

If you can’t quit your job and already have put a lot of effort and hard work into it you can find motivation by seeing what you’ve offered to the work or the impact your job has on someone else. Award winning Great Work Study showed that 88% of project that won rewards began with employees asking themselves “What difference could I make that other people love?”

The point is you can start loving what you do when you see how it impacts someone else, a coworker, a customer, another team, or whoever benefits from your work. And when you start loving work the lines between personal life and working life blurs; it becomes more about personal fulfillment and growth.

You work no longer feels like a chore and you can push yourself harder for success by remaining motivated and also motivating others.

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