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Menstruation: Its NOT A Girl Thing!

Menstruation has always been a hushed topic. “Don’t be so loud! its a girl thing”. 
With the increasing silence around the term increases the stigma and shame which makes it a mysterious topic. Something that should not be talked about! This lack of awareness, and also thanks to our culture, has made such a common phenomenon as a “girls problem”. 
Today we have more than half of the Indian women who do not using sanitary napkins but instead use rag cloth, plant leafs and even ashes. They are not allowed in temples and even in the kitchen in this time. All this and more with no logic behind.
The “don’t talk about it” attitude has now given rise to so many doubts and myths that are hardly cleared. So here is an animated video by Mythrispeaks on Menstruation and its Hygiene.    
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