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PersonalSelf Improvement

Ability vs Effort praising affects [Video]

1 Mins read
Ability is valued in our culture and regarded as a guarantee to future success. Many parents or employers try to encourage their children or employee by praising their ability and very few praise effort. Why is it so?

Does telling people they are smart makes them act dumb? Are kids who were praised for their intelligence tend to avoid challenges? Too many questions sprinting. Here is a team which did a social experiment and this what they have to say.

C̶R̶E̶A̶T̶I̶V̶I̶T̶Y̶  I̶S̶  A̶  N̶A̶T̶U̶R̶A̶L̶  T̶A̶L̶E̶N̶T̶  A̶N̶D̶ ̶C̶A̶N̶N̶O̶T̶ B̶E T̶A̶U̶G̶H̶T̶”

This misconception makes people disinterested to do anything about improving creativity. But the fact is, Intelligence isn’t a fixed state, it’s something that grows – as long as you have a growing mindset. 

So, Be cautious the next time when you have to praise someone.

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14 posts

About author
Om Prakash Reddy studied at IIT Guwahati. He held the position of Vice President at IITG community and brought a lot of student friendly policies like increasing the role of students in college Alumni Connect, academic council etc. He recently joined YourDOST with the aim to reach the masses and help them. He is a foodie and also loves to play hockey and football.
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