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Am I Fit For Corporate?

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The day we step into the corporate world we leave behind our informal cloths, our dirty shoes, sleeping at 6 am and getting up at 2 pm, our group hangouts, carefree life and step into formal cloths, polished shoes, waking up at 6 am and a responsible life. And then the question arises Am I fit for corporate?
A job is more than just a place you go and a thing you do for 8+ hours a day, you also have to deal with coworkers, bosses, office politics, and a top-down corporate culture that we too-often forget about until it rubs us the wrong way. If you don’t thrive in that culture, the job can get toxic pretty quickly. A  corporate group that values and expects teamwork and collaboration isn’t the best work environment for someone who likes and has a work history of working independently.
Here’s The Checklist
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  1. Do Your Homework Before You Even Apply: Target specific companies and jobs rather than just applying to every opening that fits your search terms. The effort you’ll put into finding job openings that really sound like a good fit for your skills and career goals, and the time you’ll put into tailoring your resume specifically for those jobs will be rewarded with better results and more call-backs than you’ll get by casting your net wide on a job board.
  2. Poke around the company’s website to see if they talk about their culture: Many companies have pages dedicated to what it’s like to be a part of their team, or what their “values” are. See if their job listings page is accompanied by a description of what life would be like to work there, or what benefits they offer to employees. Many companies have these pages, but they’re often buried near their current job openings or “About Us” pages.
  3. Check the company out on Glassdoor or
  4. Check out the site’s social network profiles, specifically their pages on LinkedIn and Facebook.
  5. Dig Into Cultural Questions In Your Interview.
  6. You can be absolutely sure the company has done their homework and turned over your Facebook profile, Twitter account, and any other Google search results with your name to learn about you before inviting you in.
  7. Find out as much as possible about the hiring manager, department, or interviewer before your actual interview.
  8. Ask specifically about corporate culture: Ask them to describe it, and what working at the company is like. Of course, most interviewers will try to paint the company in the most positive possible light—after all, they’re trying to sell you the job as much as you’re trying to sell your skills—but if you have the chance to ask more than one person, do it.
  9. Ask what it means to be a team player, and what it takes to grow. Find out how close-knit the team is. And, do not accept the job without more research.

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About the author:
Priyanka Raj is an engineer by profession but writer at heart. Writing is her passion and she has been actively involves with various organisations like wooplr, colledge connect, spicmacay, rotract club etc. through internships and various other programs. Through Your DOST she wishes to make her opinion count and her writing reach the world.

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