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Here Is How Not To Argue

1 Mins read
What is an Argument? Why do we argue?

There are two sound and basic reasons as to why we argue. One, is a way of negotiating through an argument to get something done. Two, to make the other participants in the argument understand you better, and in turn to understand others.

As a result, there are arguments of both the positive and negative connotations. How an argument is categorized depends on two things. One, if the sole purpose of the argument is to just contradict and provoke an emotional response, then it becomes completely negative. Two, if the argument is to present a particular point of view, logically, and allow the other parties to present theirs, can be constituted as a positive argument.

Arguments are good in any relationship. Sometimes it helps us communicate our perceptions and beliefs effectively, and by this I don’t mean through a heated debate, no no. Argument is not just about raising one’s voice to hurl abuses at others. An argument is an elaborate construct, if aptly and intelligently put to use.

Here is a comedy sketch written and performed by the extremely witty and inarguably intelligent Monty Python, a series showcased on the BBC in the 70s in England. This particular sketch elaborately presents the idea of HOW NOT to argue. This sketch, believe it or not, has and is being used in universities in the western world to teach students how not to argue. Watch it, enjoy it, and try not to copy it.

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About author
Santhosh is a lover of the English language. He has a scar on his forehead, which makes him belive that he is the Indian Harry Potter. He has been working in various fields since his teenage years. He has a Masters in English Literature, and an Executive MBA in Project Management. Santhosh is an avid reader of books on philosophy, self help, comedy, and fiction. His favourite authors are P.G.Wodehouse, Christopher Hitchens, and Jeremy Clarkson. He is a ruthless supporter of Manchester City Football Club.
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