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Sleep is one of the most essential parts of the day which unfortunately most of us are unable to get. This can be due to many factors, some that can be controlled while others that cannot be. This lack of sleep leads to irritation and mood swings which again leads to lack of sleep. While certain things cannot be controlled, some healthy habits can be encouraged to get a good night’s sleep. Here are few tips that can help fall asleep faster:
- Fix a schedule: Having our body used to sleep at a particular time helps sleep better. This can be done by having a fixed sleeping and wake up time. Once we have a fixed sleep cycle our body and mind will be conditioned and will automatically induces sleep. Adding to this can be a sleep ritual that can be followed before going to sleep. This can either be listening to a particular song or anything which can condition the body to sleep over the period of time
- Relaxation: It is a way to prepare our body for sleep. Relaxation helps us get comfortable and thus enables sleep. Simple relaxations techniques that can helps us get sleep are
Breathing exercise: Sit down comfortably and take slow deep breaths
Progressive relaxation: Slowly tense and relax each muscle of your body. Start with your face progressing downwards or you can even start with your toes and move upwards till your face. Take about 5-8 seconds to tense the muscle and same to relax.
- Do not try too hard: Trying to force ourselves to sleep or constantly telling the mind to sleep will only push the sleep away. Instead lay on your back and let your eyes be closed and do not think anything. Lets the thoughts come and go and eventually we will fall asleep.
- Manage your stress: Stress can be one of the biggest contributing factors. It is hard to sleep when something is constantly worrying us. Consider giving yourself a break and organizing oneself during the day so that we can go to bed with a light head. One of the best ways to manage your stress it by writing it down. This can also be one of your sleep rituals that we mentioned above.
- Eating and drinking habits: Do not eat too much or too less before sleeping as this can again disrupt in the sleep. Avoid alcohol and caffeine before going to bed. Although alcohol can help us fall a sleep but reduces its quality. Taking too much liquid towards the bed time the increase the trips to washroom hence can intern hinder quality sleep.
- Avoid Distractions: Switch off the television, laptop and phone to avoid distraction. These can give way to our mind to wander, limiting the access to sleep.
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