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Nightmares – How to deal with them?

It is no piece of unheard story. Nor is it something that people make up. Waking up with bizarre nightmares is very uncomfortable and disturbing. It has happened to most of us at some point. And to be honest it is very difficult for one to cope up with the real world for a while then. The time that takes for a person to snap and realize you are out varies, and so does its effect on every individual. Some of us can ignore them and some of us can’t step out of the at all. 


Dreams as well all know have connection to thoughts that are prevalent deep within us. Our brain tends to capture lot more than what it analysis and nightmares have deep relation to them. The thing you fear the most or want to avoid tends to take a dominant part in such occasions. The truth is, more you try to cover up something, the clearer it comes out.

Dealing with nightmares cannot be a temporary way to get the entire episode deleted from your head. Rather learning to overcome the shock once you snap out will help you better in the long run. Usually an individual goes through loneliness, sadness, fear, vulnerability, guilt or shame after waking up from it. Here are a few tips about how to deal with nightmares that will help you step out of these immediate feelings.

First thing to do immediately after waking up from a nightmare is to realize that you are out of it. So once you wake up try to calm down by following these steps. Sit on the edge of your bed with your foot touching the ground. Look around and start naming the objects around you which will assure you that you are in a location you are aware of. Reassure yourself you are safe.

Stand up and walk or do some small activity like looking into your phone for images or music to get yourself diverted. Try sleeping after 15 minutes as you will feel a little relaxed by then. If you are still in panic then ground your senses. Touch something cold, eat something strong, listen to mild music and also smell something soothing and comfortable.


Sometimes nightmares repeat and this is troubling. It will take a huge part in your head and will keep interrupting too often than ever. It is necessary that you get closer to them rather than ignoring them in this case. This can help you find the roots and weed them from there.

Reassurance: Talk to someone about the nightmare. Explain to them what ever happened.

Analyze: Your dream might be interpreted psychologically and this will help you get out of the depression. But remember not everything that is interpreted is right. So don`t fall for false stories and theories behind these dreams. Some coon events do have psychological reasons behind them and one can work on them.

Act: In most cases there are life events which are related to such episodes. Try to imagine a better ending to the episode. These are called imaginary rehearsals and here an individual is expected to imagine a better ending and enact it to make sure your brain remembers the act happening. This has been proven to help most people as actions that occurred are more powerful than those thoughts which are lingering in your head.

While it is very difficult, the only way to cope up with the fear is to face it. So don’t let yourself down when you have a nightmare. Face it and fight it out of your head.

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About the author:

Varshnee Raj, an engineer by background, loves to invest her time in things which can improve her knowledge and share them through her writings. She has interest in craft work and painting. She also feels powerful to be able to help people during their low times through her words.

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