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The Friendships You Have – Good or Bad?

2 Mins read

It’s impossible to go through life without making friends, regardless of the quality of said friendship. Friends, by their very nature, are the family that we choose. So shouldn’t it be a given that they are always good considering that it’s our choices that matter here?! No, it isn’t. Because like in all spheres of life, we attract all kinds of people and the circumstances of meeting them also differ. Friends which may seem good at the start may show their true colours later on. Nothing can be taken for granted, especially in a friendship.

Good friends are the ones that stay by your side, regardless of whether you’re going through heaven or hell. However, that doesn’t mean that they will blindly support your bad decisions. In scenarios where you’re in the wrong, they will point out your mistakes and try to steer you in the right direction. They always want the good for you, even if it seems as if they’re being unsupportive. They tell you what they really feel and what their actual opinions on the topic in question are, instead of sugarcoating the truth or hiding behind lies. With good friends, there is mutual respect for each other and this respect ensures that your opinion will always be valued. 
Bad friends, on the other hand, are not actually your friends at all. For the most part they are the exact opposite of what constitutes a good friend. If they themselves indulge in bad habits like smoking, drugs, etc. then they are bound to pressure you into joining them. On refusal to such things, they may even try to blackmail you emotionally or otherwise. Peer pressure is also a prominent feature of this. Also, bad friends almost always seek you out when they need something from you. You may not have heard from someone in months but suddenly they may pop up in your life to ask for a favour. When you need them, they are nowhere to be found. In fact, they are always there to share in your joys but never when you’re feeling low. Your decisions are not important for them. If things don’t work their way, they don’t really care about anything else. More often than not, it’s near impossible to reason with them and all this results in you feeling worse than before.  
While being a good friend and steering a bad friend in the right direction is an exceptionally good thing to do, if you fail in your task then it’s better to cut your losses when you still can. As cold blooded as it may seem, some people are not worth it. Not when all they do is drag you down. So make sure that you surround yourself with positive people who value you as a person because those are the ones that’ll stick around when the going gets tough.

Your D.O.S.T is an emotional support system where you can anonymously share feelings that are worrying you – ‘family expectations, peer pressure, relationship issues, confusions, work pressure’ without the fear of social stigma. Signup Now and start chatting with psychologists and other trained professionals.

About the Author:

Arshi Gupta is a young blogger who loves to travel to unexplored places to get a feel of different cultures. She is interested in reading, photography and binge-watching TV shows & movies. Though Your D.O.S.T she would like to share her thoughts to youth of the Nation.

23 posts

About author
Arshi Gupta is a young blogger who loves to travel to unexplored places to get a feel of different cultures. She is interested in reading, photography and binge-watching TV shows & movies. Though YourDOST she would like to share her thoughts to youth of the Nation.
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