YourDOST Blog

GRAPHIC: Your Choice Of Social Media Says Who You Are

Today’s society has worked all of us out, hasn’t it? Well, at least it thinks it has, by the way we behave, act, and react, and also the way we conduct our lives. So, you see, people, who are part of the society, look at us going about, and judge us. It is sad and it is also awfully funny.

This need to assess people has taken a technological turn nowadays. So, we could possibly say all sorts of things about folk who use a particular brand of gadget or how they behave online. So, what kind of emotions we share online, gives society a way to brand us, to define us, and to classify us.

I reckon, this is a sort of ‘eCastism’. Any way, so, here, in this quite funny infograph, we find and associate people with the kind of social media platforms they breed on. If you agree, or disagree, do let us know in the comments.

DISCLAIMER: We shall judge you by the tastefulness of your comments.


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