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6 Myths On Addiction Treatments

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In our society the stigma around drug addiction and its treatment is worse than the addiction problem. We are very much misinformed about this than any other problem. Let’s debunk some common addiction treatment myths.

myths about addiction treatment

Myth 1: Treatment is not necessary. One can stop using drug addiction if they really want to

Addiction treatment is to help individuals stop compulsive drug seeking and use. It is very difficult for addicts to achieve and maintain long-term moderation. A research says that long-term drug usage changes a person’s brain function. Mainly for adolescents stopping drugs early is important, as children become addicted to drugs much faster than adults and risk greater physical, mental and psychological harm from illegal drug use.

MYTH 2: No one will voluntarily seek treatment until they hit ‘rock bottom’

There are a lot of things that can motivate a person to take treatment before they hit “rock bottom.” It varies for persons with different age groups. For teens, parents and schools, force them into treatment. Pressure from family and employers can be one of the motivating factors to seek treatment for middle aged people. Seventeen percent of adolescents entering treatment were self or individual referrals, while 11 percent were referred through schools.

MYTH 3: Treatment cannot be given forcefully

Treatment does not have to be voluntary. People forced into treatment by the legal system can be successful as those who enter treatment voluntarily. In some situations, they do better because they are more likely to remain in treatment and complete the program.

MYTH 4: There is only one standard program for successful addiction treatment

One treatment method is not appropriate for everyone. The best programs are the one’s that are developed based on the assessment of the individual’s problems. These plans will be a combination a variety of methods depending on person’s specific needs. Treatment for teens varies depending on the child’s age, maturity and family and trusts. They must be approached differently than adults based on their values and belief systems.

MYTH 5 : Addiction treatment can be completed in a couple of weeks if one is truly motivated 

A Research on addiction treatment states that addiction treatment is a continuous course and can’t be wound up in a few days or weeks. A minimum of 90 days of treatment is required for residential and outpatients, and 21 days for short-term inpatient programs to have an effect. Post treatment follow up is also essential to maintain good results. success of the treatment mainly depends on the length of treatment. However, completing a treatment program is merely the first step in the struggle for recovery that can extend throughout a person’s entire lifetime.

Myth 6: Treatment should put addicts in their place

Even though the leading authorities on addiction agree that addiction is a chronic disease similar to heart disease, diabetes and cancer, addicts are still treated as second-class citizens. Many treatment centers believe that confrontational, shame-based methods are necessary to motivate addicts. Quite the contrary. In addition to contributing to the stigma of addiction and deterring people from seeking treatment, research shows that shame is a strong predictor of relapse.

Media is still perpetuating the myth that there is a right way and a wrong way to recover, and that treatment that is luxurious or comfortable is inherently bad. The myths about addiction are damaging not only to addicts and their families but to all of us. What if the many influential business leaders, inspirational artists, best-selling authors, and history-making politicians who join the ranks of recovering addicts were shamed into silence? By understanding addiction as a brain disease and allowing people to recover in the way that works best for them, we can make significant strides in addressing the nation’s leading public health problem.

32 posts

About author
An engineer by qualification and voracious reader, Vamshi Krishna wants to make an impact on our education system by bringing positive change in the students. He is technology savvy and also interested in human psychology. Through Your DOST he wants to make his opinion count.
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