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An Interview On Mental Health With Dr. Raksha Karthik

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There are so many connotations to the term MENTAL HEALTH. Do we know them all? Do we understand them all? We invited a renowned Psychotherapist, Dr. Raksha Karthik to lend us her expertise about MENTAL HEALTH. Here, we discuss about the primary aspects of mental health, in form of a video interview. Also, giving you a brief about each clip.

What Is Mental Health?

Dr. Raksha Karthik defines Mental Health as an awareness of strengths. Ways to recognise them and put them to better use, in order to achieve optimum health

How Challenging Is It To Stay Emotionally Strong Right From A Young Age

Dr. Raksha Karthik lays emphasis on every stage of life encountering it’s own mental and physical challenges. These are some of the questions the young ones need to ask themselves, today:

For adults, Dr Raksha points out that we need to focus on being thorough professionals. Followed by relationship and marriage. For more takes and tips on how to be disciplined and develop the right attitude, watch the video clip below.

Are Our Schools And Colleges Investing In Developing Strong Mental Health?

Dr. Raksha honestly says she is appalled by the lack of focus towards youth’s mental health. She also says the increasing number of suicides among teenagers and young adults is extremely disturbing and shameful. She refers to what needs to be instilled in children to develop the right attitude towards the stagnant and negative phases of life.

Dr. Raksha claims that, children today possess access to information at finger tips, however self introspection and examination stupefy them. Watch the video below to see why Dr. Raksha believes it is important to teach children to embrace vulnerability.

Is Expectation The Root Of All Pressure?

Dr. Raksha smiles at this question, she says the question has been an age old one, and that many a philosophers have fiddled with it to try and answer. Prominent among those, was Buddha, who eloquently regaled about desire and it’s affects on day to day life.

She mentions how we develop and get attached to expectations. One, where we subconsciously develop expectations from a very young age through learnings at home and school. And, two we yield to societal expectations in the latter half of life. Watch the clip below for an elaborate yet terse explanation.

What Are Your Tips To Lead A Healthy And A Positive Lifestyle

Dr. Raksha believes that the most essential factor which is being completely discounted for is having robust SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS. She also advocates for the development of good INTERPERSONAL SKILLS. The advent of technology has made most of us one dimensional and has induced social lethargy. Dr. Raksha is of the belief that, conducting relationship via text messaging and showcasing emotions through tech conduits will not sustain during difficult times. Hence she implores us to live and breathe real relationships. Watch the clip below for an elaborate view point.

If you wish to watch the entire interview in one go, here it is in one piece.


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