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CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: Here Is How You Should Educate Your Child About It

Bad touch

IN BRIEF: In this post we give you concise tips on how to educate your children about CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE.

ARTICLE CONTAINS: It has been a shame on the national consciousness that more and more cases of CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE are occurring everyday. This doesn’t make the issue a contemporary one. It means that more cases are being expressed and voiced out. This is one way to raise awareness in children, also to warn the imminent perpetrators. But, a major step needs to be taken to educate our little children, to teach them what is SAFE and UN-SAFE touch, what they should do and who they should reach out to. Making your little ones understand all this is a tough task. This article provides you a step-by-step guide on how to educate your children about CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE.

How Should We Talk To Children About Their Bodies?

It is very important that you talk to your children about their body so that they feel comfortable about their body and body parts. Teach children correct names of their body parts, because children often find it difficult to explain about sexual abuse due to their lack of knowledge about their own body.

Helping to learn correct names of their own body parts gives children correct words to explain. It is also imperative to teach children about their private parts of the body which they cover with under-garments.

How To Explain My Child About Safe And Un-Safe Touch?

Begin by elaborating the two kinds of touches: Safe Touch and Un-Safe Touch

Safe touch – These are touches which can make them feel cared and don’t harm them in any way.  This includes a pat on a back, hugging etc.

Un-Safe touch – Teach them that as they already know kicking, punching, pushing, pinching can hurt the other person, similarly there is one more kind of Un-Safe touch which might feel safe but they would not want it. Teach them to say NO in such circumstances and such a touch can also come from a familiar person. Emphasise that they still they have all rights to say “NO” to it. Teach your child to say “no” in a strong way.

I Have Two Kids One Is 6 Years Old And Another Is 9, How To Explain Is My Confusion?

Once they know about their body parts it becomes easier to teach them. Tell them that “they are the boss of their body”. Make them aware that they have all rights to decide about who should be touching their body and how.

With your nine year old you can have an open communication, explain him/her about un-safe touch, and it is when somebody touches their private body parts and that is unhealthy.

What All Should I Be Telling My Children Regarding Un-Safe Touch?

You should teach your children these:

How Can I Help My Child To Escape From A Situation Like This?

You can tell your children that if someone tries to touch you in a wrong way then they can:

How To Help My Child Recognise Whether It Is Un-Safe Touch Or Not?

Teach your child that Un-Safe touch is bad and therefore should never be kept as a secret, but don’t feel you are bad. It is the person’s fault and encourage them to narrate a list of what are bad or unsafe touches, i.e.

How Should One Deal If Such An Event (Child Sexual Abuse) Takes Place?


Here are two short and highly informative videos on CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE: Video 1 and Video 2.

We have also created a series of image graphics to make children understand what a GOOD TOUCH is and what a BAD TOUCH is. We request you to show your children these images to teach them about SAFE and UN-SAFE touch.

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