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IN BRIEF: Making a BUCKET LIST is not all that cinematic as you surmise. There is some science behind it. In this post we discuss exactly those reasons why it makes sense to create your own BUCKET LIST.

“What’s on your bucket list?” is a question I’ve been asked one too many times and have asked myself a few times too. The answer – both given and received – always reveals something new about the person. It gives you a clue as to what they see in their future, what their aspirations are. A ‘Bucket List’ is essentially a list of things/experiences that a person hasn’t done before, but wishes to accomplish before death. It sounds bleaker than it really is.

do you have a bucket list

The idea behind creating a bucket list is to list out all the things you wish to accomplish before you ‘kick the bucket’. It may seem somewhat childish to create a To-Do-List-For-Life but it’s actually healthy. Studies have shown that it gives a sense of meaning to life, enabling you to set out clearly future goals. Setting short-term and long-term goals is extremely important. Once you know exactly what your goals are, only then you can achieve them.

Aristotle said, “Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals.”

Developing a bucket list is extremely important to prevent boredom and complacency. We, human beings, have a habit of dreaming big and then feeling despondent when real life shatters or delays these dreams. As life passes on, we let our dreams fall by the wayside. That is where a bucket list comes in. Writing down your dreams on paper, turns them into goals. Goals which you can work towards. It makes them tangible.

A List Of Things To Do

Your list may comprise of small goals that you wish to achieve in short-term or long-term, like moving to Paris or climbing Mount Everest. Treat it like a fun exercise, a list of things to look forward to in your future. You may even learn something about yourself you never knew before. Putting together a list will make you realise what you value most. Share this list with others. Learn what they want to do. It’ll bring you closer to your friends and family.

As you go about checking off experiences from your list, you’ll feel a sense of excitement and fulfillments. You may not be able to check off everything on your list but the ones you do will be the things you remember most. Bucket lists are a positive experience that’ll help you focus on what really matters in life. After all no one wants to live a life full of regrets, right?

The Buried Life

Here is a wonderful video on TED Talks about a group of 4 college kids who fell in love with the poem THE BURIED LIFE, by Matthew Arnold. These guys rented an RV and drove around town helping people accomplish small tangible things. Ben Nemtin, brain child of the venture talks elaborately and eloquently about why and how to list your dreams to give them a chance to become a reality.

23 posts

About author
Arshi Gupta is a young blogger who loves to travel to unexplored places to get a feel of different cultures. She is interested in reading, photography and binge-watching TV shows & movies. Though YourDOST she would like to share her thoughts to youth of the Nation.
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