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How To Be Assertive

how to be assertive

Contrary to popular belief, ‘Assertiveness’ doesn’t mean being rude to others or unnecessarily shoving your opinions in someone’s face. Being assertive is a core communication skill. It signifies that you can express yourself effectively and stand up for your beliefs, while also protecting the rights and beliefs of others.

How Can It Help Me

Knowing how to be assertive can boost your self-esteem and also earn you the respect of the people around you. This can help with stress management, especially if you tend to take on too many responsibilities because you have a hard time saying no to favours or requests. Some people tend to be naturally assertive but not most are this fortunate. If you’re not one of the naturals, even then you can learn to be assertive and how to express yourself without coming across as a ‘jerk’.

When To Apply

Assertiveness isn’t going to solve all your problems and it’s not appropriate for every situation – context is key. What it will do, is help you feel more confident and communicate more effectively when you need to. Expressing your true self and sticking up for your rights is empowering and it’s something that the majority of us, should do a lot more.

Being assertive is a skill that needs practice. Remember that you will sometimes do better at it than at other times, but you can always learn from your mistakes.

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