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SNAPSHOT: What is the meaning of Dussehra?

GRAPHICS: What is the meaning of Dussehra

Dussehra is derived from Dasha Hara, a Sanskrit word which means the removal of 10 bad qualities within a person.

The 10 heads of Ravan were a representation of these qualities.

1. Kama Vasana (Lust)


2. Krodha (Anger)

3. Moha (Attraction)

4. Lobha (Greed)

5. Mada (Over Pride)

6. Matsara (Jealousy)

7. Swartha (Selfishness)

8. Anyaaya (Injustice)

9. Amanavta (Cruelty)

10. Ahankara (Ego)

So, Vijayadashmi means winning over all the ten vices. Happy Dussehra 🙂

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