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Tips For You To Back To Work Post Maternity

Tips for women getting back to work

I remember once through the course of an usual evening conversation with my mom, I popped out this question “how did you feel when you resumed work after your maternity break?”. I was quite struck to this question since my sister who gave birth some time ago quit her job forever after she tried resuming work. When I asked her the reason she said “Somehow I have got adapted to a different schedule and now going back seems very difficult. Also there is too much pressure for me to manage at home and at workSo I just choose to take up one task at a time”.

However, mother resumed working within 2 months of giving birth to me, and that made me feel confused. she said ”I felt just like I felt on the first day I ever stepped to work. Exciting, happy and of course a little nervous. But I knew I love to work so I gradually learnt to balance work and home”.

Resuming work after maternity break or for that fact any significant long break can be a stressful. Humans somehow get used to a particular psychological and physical routine. Bringing a change to your physical routine is difficult but easier when compared to psychologically settling down with the new routine.

Even women who have worked most of their life find it difficult to gather up self to face the first day of resuming work. So here you have few simple tips to help you get back to work in full spirit.

All you need to know is, it is going to take time and effort to adjust to your new schedule. Remember there is nothing in this world that is more powerful than your confidence. So step forward with complete confidence and put your best into your work. You can never fail if you try enough.

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