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Does An Appraisal Reflect Your True Performance?

Does An Appraisal Reflect Your True Performance?

Does An Appraisal Reflect Your True Performance?

IN BRIEF: In this post we talk about the real value of a PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL. What it actually means, what you should take from it. Regardless of the appraisal being GOOD or down right AVERAGE.

All of us who work for big corporates have been through the assessment process, the appraisals. Our performance, attitude towards work, and team members is assessed thoroughly, well almost, and then we are handed a piece of paper summarising the entire year’s/half-year’s efforts. Every company or management has its own way of analysing employees and their work.

To put it in simple words, you, the employee shall be judged on set parameters you were supposed to achieve, and then something extra. There are a lot of jargons around for doing something extra like, Extra-miler, Super Star etc.

With all the parameters set to be matched, how elegant and true is the process of appraisals? Let us look at the intricacies.

What Is An Appraisal

Numbers, simple as this, numbers. You achieve them, you get a decent mark, else you fall under the average or below average performer. Ideally, the appraisal is a way to arrive at your worth for the firm you work for. Every employee is treated as an investment, and like every investment, a stock shall be taken by the end of the year to see if it is making enough revenue, through set quality standards, and hopefully not making any loss.

If such criteria are met, then the company might reward the employee with a handsome or a worthless increase in pay, or there are companies who recognise and reward hard work dutifully. Even promotions and lateral movements heavily rely on what your appraisal has to say. So, in a nutshell, appraisals are very much important, cause they act like report cards and makes it easier for the management to see where the employees stand.

The Good Parts And The Bad Parts

All in all, the concept of the appraisal is brilliant only for a short period of time. Neither the employer or the employee need to pay too much attention to it. Employers need to make small corrections through necessary training and support, if the appraisal indicates a below average performance.

The employee needs to achieve the parameters necessary, and then concentrate on growing within the firm through interaction, communication, investigation of other related and non related projects and stakeholders. Even a frequent assessment of competitors should be high on the list for the employee to study and learn.

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