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Myths And Facts About Eating Disorder

Myths And Facts About Eating Disorder

IN BRIEF: In this post Professional Counsellor Swekriti addresses the MYTHS and FACTS about EATING DISORDER. We delicately dissect the five common myths and facts to help you understand the it’s nature.

Eating disorder is an irregular eating habit focusing to attain a specific space and weight leading to an unusual approach toward eating, that not only affects them physically but also psychologically. Few common myths about Eating disorders are:

Myth #1: Eating Disorder Is A Matter Of Habit

Fact: Eating less or more is in our hands but eating disorder is not. No one chooses this inculcate this disorder, but instead its hard for us to cope with it. Eating disorder is not only about eating, other factors like genetic, biological, emotional, external pressure, body image and others with certain life events could act as a trigger leading to eating disorder.

Myth #2: Only Fat People Have Eating Disorder

Fact: Although the motive behind these abnormal eating patterns seem like a way to reduce weight to reach a desirable shape but the matter is more deep rooted. Controlling diet to gain or lose weight is not considered as eating disorder. Instead its more about the perceptions one has about his/her body, the way they look at themselves, how they think others perceive their body type. Deep down, the disorder is more psychological than physical as it can be caused due to issues such as body image, self esteem and self worth.

Myth #3: Eating Disorders Occur Only At The Adolescent Stage And Passes With Age

Fact: Although more prevalent in the adolescent age, eating disorder is not a part of growing. But with a lot of physical and psychological changes that ones goes through in this age, they are more vulnerable to social pressures and becoming self conscious. This is the age where it triggers and if not taken care off, can have serious long lasting effects.

Myth #4: Only Women Are Subjective To Eating Disorders

Fact: Although women are more likely to express weight and other bodily dissatisfaction, men too face such dissatisfaction and try all means to control there weight to maintain a healthy physique. A research, Gender Difference in the Prevalence of Eating Disorder Symptoms indicate that both men and women can have eating disorders. While women tend to control there food eating, men reported overeating.

Myth #5: People Fake Eating Habits To Seek Attention

Fact: Eating disorders are generally perceived as over the top or dramatic behaviour to seek attention from others, but this is not always the case. Eating disorder can be a way to cope up with a particular type of stress. Generally people with this disorder view themselves and their bodies differently. So, having a certain eating pattern is a way to relieve themselves from this stress and a way to feel in control.

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