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Pornography And Sexual Intimacy

1 Mins read

IN BRIEF: In this post we address one of the major issues concerned with PORNOGRAPHY. Does it affect SEXUAL INTIMACY? We address major points of inlfuence.

Pornography addiction can lead to depression and restlessness. Let us dwell into its affect on relationships and the so called “harmless” world of porn to find its dark secrets.

False Sense Of Perfection

Porn presents us with the well-toned, perfect, idealised versions of opposite sex. This unrealistic and fake images unknowingly becomes our standard of beauty which makes us judge real people. This also applies to our Bollywood movies with almost perfect heroines and models.

Taking this phenomenon to extreme results in decreased sexual intimacy with your partners. Some men(and women) who are completely addicted to porn replace it with real intimacy and become complacent. With those unrealistic expectations and images in your mind you won’t be able to enjoy the real act.

Porn Makes People Sexually Lazy

With high-speed internet arousal is just a matter of seconds always within the reach. But in reality it doesn’t happen like that. Pleasing opposite sex, thinking about their needs and loving them is no longer required to get pleasure.

We no longer associate pleasure with physical intimacy and love but only with body. As making love is not as simple as going incognito, we become frustrated and our relationship fabric is disturbed. It trains us to seek immediate gratification, making real intimacy and relationship very boring and too much work.

As we consume more and more of it, our brains become tolerant and requires more just to have the same feeling. With the limitless options and categories in porn we all want to try things differently.

The Current Scenario On Porn

Today’s porn is extremely violent and degrading. This will make you perceive aggression as common and attractive, which are not. It also wires your brain that having multiple sex partners is okay which leads to infidelity. This whole cycle breaks your relationship part by part until you have nothing in reality.

Do not miss these links with awesome content on PORN and its tentacles, if we can call it that. There is also a fantastic short video (not PORN) on how we perceive porn. Check these out.

VIDEO: Can PORN Be Made Better

Pornography – Addicted? or Using?

32 posts

About author
An engineer by qualification and voracious reader, Vamshi Krishna wants to make an impact on our education system by bringing positive change in the students. He is technology savvy and also interested in human psychology. Through Your DOST he wants to make his opinion count.
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