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Tips To Be Creative At A Boring Job

IN BRIEF: Some statistics reveal that 90% of us fail to find satisfaction at work. This can be for many reasons. A major factor is LESS CREATIVE jobs. In this post we offer valuable tips to infuse your creativity into your daily work routine.

“Story of my life”, “You asking about work?! Haha… You know how it is… Same old story” , “I wish I could leave work and go travel the world”, “kaam ke vajah se life bekaar si ho gai hai yaar”.

Are you one of those who say these or similar statements often? or hear them often from your friends and loved ones? Then here are some tips to light up your creative skills at your ‘not so interesting’ job.

Creativity, as opposed to the general notion, is a skill that can be cultivated. Here are some tips that can help you to add more zeal to your professional life.

Be solution oriented: Stop Complaining

Tips To Be Creative At A Boring Job

This is the basis of building your creative skills. May be your current work is not very interesting for you, it may be you wish to leave, but at the moment, this is what it is. Think and adapt, utilise the resources you have to make it good.

Instead of wasting your precious mental energy and other resources in complaining and cribbing, try to find out ways in which you can amalgamate your interests with your current work.

It is important to understand that thinking and worrying are two different processes. Think and be solution oriented, rather than worrying and ruminating over problem saturated ‘story of your work life’.

Be Open And Absorb

This helps to see one task, or situation from different perspectives. Be open to more experiences, take initiative on being part of innovative opportunities, individual as well as team based tasks. Do so even if it is a small task and not something that shall be very highlighted. Practise being more open to ideas by discussing and asking more questions to individuals you feel would give you genuine feedback. Be open to expressing your ideas and getting inputs.

Enhance Your Workspace

Make it more appealing. Add your own touch to it. Personalise it.

Keep a small notepad with you at all times where you can record your ideas, and thoughts, If you are a visually oriented person then bring in some colourful notes, paste some motivational quotes or a picture you draw of your goals and dreams.

Reward Yourself

This is crucial. Appreciate and reward yourself. Pat your own back, or give yourself a small treat. Make sure to acknowledge your work at the end of every day so that you keep yourself motivated and empowered.

Take A Break

When you are working continuously and feel brainstormed, know that it’s time for a Break! Your mental reserves deplete. So go ahead, take a stroll, listen to music, read a book, watch some funny video, read a joke. It is fruitful to change direction for a while if you feel too stuck at a problem, it shall help refresh your mental energy reserves.

Take Care Of Your Health

Health and fitness have an impact on our energy and attention levels, problem solving, decision making, etc. Engaging in Yoga, Pranayama (especially, Anulom Vilom Pranayama and Bhramari Pranayama) create a sense of internal balance and physical as well as psychological well-being. Do not forget to sleep well and eat well. So that you can stay brain-fit and have your creative juices flowing optimally.

Try to utilise these tips and think more of your own to bring in some positive energy and thoughts in your work-life and enrich your work experience.

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