YourDOST Blog

Weekly Mantra: Greeting Tip

IN BRIEF: Among the social awkward among us, greeting a stranger in a social environment is quite nerve wrecking. In this section we devise simple steps and techniques to concentrate on reducing tension and stress, and to greet pretty much anyone with confidence.

Meeting new people, social gathering or talking to others can be an anxiety provoking situation for many. Having to think what to say and making a good first impression just adds on to the pressure and the only question we keep asking ourselves is “How will i talk?”

The more we think, the more the imagination and thoughts pile up making us feel more nervous. The way people express, look, the way they react makes us even more scared to start a conversation.

In a situation like this what really helps is chance of focus

When you are meeting someone for the first time, look into their eyes and try to notice their eye colour.

Weekly Mantra: Greeting Tip

Avoid their facial expressions rather focus on their eyelashes and the colour of their eye and bring a smile on your face. If you are unable to make eye contact focus on their nose, look at its shape.

How will it help?

Focusing on a particular point or thing helps to divert our attention from the facial expressions as the more we look at facial expressions the more we try to judge the other person’s thoughts which makes us feel nervous while the smile will make us look confident.

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