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Why Is Internship Important

Why Is Internship Important

Individuals from different sections of the society often see to get confused with their present career interest or worry about their career goals or want to give shape to their career after a gap. For them, internship exposure can be one of the ways to structure their career.

  1. A recent college graduate who could not get a job through college placement and whose resume lacks professional experience can start their career with internship.
  2. A mother who took a break from her career to take care of her child and want to start her career again, can join any organisation as an intern to update herself about the market.
  3. Internship can be a good strategy for an individual who in his late 30s is planning to switch careers to convert his interest as his profession.

Don’t be upset if you get an unpaid internship job as there are many brighter sides to internship:

Transition into a job: An internship helps employers to know about the person and also get an opportunity to evaluate how an individual would perform in the actual workplace. Companies that devote time in training interns are looking for a return on their investment. They would love to recruit talented people without getting into long process of hiring.

Chance to grow your network: An internship gives opportunity to learner to grow a network with professionals in the said field. A learner can discuss about present job market scenario and also learn new skills from teammates. It is advisable to build those relationships continuously and keep yourself active.

Get to know more about the industry: An internship helps learner to understand work culture, industry expectations, industry etiquettes and also help to make a “real world” perspective on a profession. It helps students to discover gaps between classroom learning and practical applications. Also, internship experience is definitely going to add value in your resume.

Internship brings confidence: Interns not only learn industry skills, but get a platform of gaining valuable life-skills that bring confidence in them to perform on-the-job and deal with issues related to work and co-workers.

Internshala, an online database and resource center that is developed to bridge the gap between students (searching for internships) and companies (looking for interns). It is a website that allows individuals to find themselves an internship as per their needs.

So, no need to be worried if something goes wrong in your career; scopes are available, opportunities are abundant – just go ahead with a positive attitude.

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