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Depression In Women

Depression And Women

IN BRIEF: In this post Dr. Sarah elaborately explains how and what kind of situations and phases put women in depression. And addresses the reasons why and how can she come out of it with adequate help.


Women have always been more at risk for depression than men are as they are more emotional and sensitive. A woman also undergoes many changes during her life time which may cause depression. The causes of depression may also be negative thinking, pessimistic views of self, the world or the future. Depression can be seen in a mild, moderate or severe form. The signs and symptoms of depression are:

Women may be depressed due to the following reasons

Women may also abuse alcohol to get over their depressed feelings but it does not help as alcohol itself is a depressant. Women may also be abused physically, mentally, emotionally or sexually leading to depression. In mild and moderate forms of depression, getting emotional support through counselling helps to overcome it. In severe forms of depression which has been long lasting, medication maybe needed along with counselling to control depression.

Here are some sources with tips to beat depression

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