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How Friends Help You De-stress

How Friends Help You De-stress

IN BRIEF: In this post we look into reasons why and how our circle of friends help us de-stress. We tend to take our best of friends for granted sometimes, but this is what friendships are all about isn’t it?

The generic definition of stress in human mind can be defined as lack of faith in oneself for dealing with a situation. It is a situation when we’ve overburdened our heads with thoughts of negativity.

De stressing literally means to relax, this can be done in many ways like, think positive, meditate, exercise, pamper yourself and most important share your thoughts with a close friend.

A friend is someone who knows us well and will not be judgmental about us or our thoughts. All the other ways to de stress are at the core ways to only calm our mind.

The reasons why friends can help us de stress better can be:

The old saying goes, ‘Man is a social animal’ and so relationships form a major part of de stressing than age old relaxing techniques. Many scientific experiments have proved that sharing troubles with a friend is more benefiting than anything. Few of the benefits are, reduced risk of dementia and other diseases, helps to stay fit, boosts confidence and self-esteem and live longer.

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