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Opposites Attract! But, Do They Stick?

Introverts and Extroverts in Love

Love is a universal emotion and is experienced by people at both ends of the personality continuum. Here is an outlook at how introverts and extroverts generally are in love relationships as per their personality traits and preferences.

Introverts in Relationships

Extroverts in Relationships:

A common perception is that Introverts and Extroverts would complement each other in a relationship, however, this might not be the absolute truth. Relationship experiences are highly subjective and depend on how partners work through their similarities and differences and embrace them. So, one can find successful and unsuccessful examples of both partners from the same end of the continuum (Introvert-Introvert; Extrovert-Extrovert) as well as opposite ends of the continuum (Introvert-Extrovert).

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