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The journey from stress to de-stress: A CEO’s Guides

Having to run a business is not a cake work. A lot of hard work, time, energy, brainstorming goes into sustaining it. The stress a CEO goes through is not as obvious as it sounds. Small day to day indications ranging from heavy breathing, sweating, mood swings, forgetfulness, agitation, fatigue, increased aggression to being indecisive are easily ignored. These, although might not seem harmful but looking it from a CEO’s perspective, who juggles between attending meeting, moving around, hosting events, managing n number of people under them, and getting the entire work done, can be quite a stressful task.

This increasing stress not only affect the body but can go to a level where their relationship – both professional and personal, quality of work, and mental health – can be at stake. Although some amount of stress is important as it increases the adrenaline rush but excess of anything is bad.

Although stress is a never ending process but what might work is taking breaks in the middle and what better way than traveling to help de-stress. But why travel? Because is helps break the stress cycle.

Here are few places that can help in this de-stressing process:


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Traveling in itself can be a great stress buster, all we need to do is take a step back and enjoy to be able to move forward and more productively.

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