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VIDEO: Children’s Educational Video: Explaining Racism And Discrimination

VIDEO: Children’s Educational Video: Explaining Racism And Discrimination

Nowadays kids need to know about the horrific abuse that some people get in society, based purely on the colour of their skin. If it’s linked to Baltimore, Sandra Bland or even the huge overcrowdings in Americans prisons, whatever it is, the next generation needs to be well informed on the problems Racism and Discrimination are causing the world.

As we reflect on a history where the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews, ethnic cleansing went unseen in Former Yugoslavia and Africa, and the black community continues to be discriminated against based on their Slavery past, I am beginning to wonder, When will it ever end?

This video comes days after the anniversary of the Michael Brown Shootings, in which a clearly racist cop was allowed to gun down an innocent black man, and get away with it. Society is messed up, and the sooner we educate our children on the rights and wrongs of racism and Discrimination, then the sooner we can finally reach an equal, fair, socially just society, that incorporates everybody into it. Enjoy the video.

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