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Why Do We Get Hooked To Alcohol?

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IN BRIEF: In this post Priyanka explores the reasons why people get addicted to alcohol. And how it slowly affects the psyche of the consumer.


The certainty that some individuals are in a position to take stuffs without becoming obsessive has long been a blazing hot matter of investigation. This dissimilarity between individuals could put forward a biological or genetic marker for the growth of habit, which could for that reason lead to a much more effectual approach to the treatment.

Analysts have identified particular differences in how the brain retorts to alcohol in heavy and light drinkers.In both the groups, drinking alcohol created the discharge of casually developing feel-good diploids known as endorphin’s in two basic brain parts correlated with reward refining.But excessive drinkers liberated more endorphin’s in return to alcohol, and they described feeling more intoxicated than the lighter drinkers after drinking the same amount of alcohol.

The conclusions put forward that people whose brains release more natural diploids in response to alcohol may get more comfort out of drinking and may be more likely to drink too much and become alcoholics. Let us look at the reasons why people get addicted to alcohol.



People need alcohol because they love the way it makes them feel, in the general term; love getting high. The brain is stimulated to search out for gratifying feelings and to play the process on a loop that made those reflex’s achievable. Alcoholism is like a disease that affects the brain, making it crave for the repetition of good sensations. Alcoholism or alcohol addiction results when the need for those repeated pleasurable sensations becomes powerful. Outcomes such as stress at work, loss of relationships or freedom, pain cannot gain mastery over the brain’s desires to look for more joy.


Psychological Boost

Alcohol is used by many people especially teenagers to be socially accepted into various groups or their friends circle. Normally people with low morale, self-esteem or self pride time and again use alcohol to boost their confidence and fit in with their peers, which leads to increase in the use of alcohol which further leads to its addiction. Individuals with other mental chaos inclusion to social phobias often fall back to drinking as a means of self medication. Victims of bipolar disorder, depression, and obsessive compulsive disorder generally become addicted to alcohol after using the drug to decrease the strength of their symptoms.



Addiction to alcohol is an activity that unfolds over time, its not a one day addiction. Drinking to surplus for a long period of time multiplies the probability of evolving a helplessness on the drug. For men, 15 drinks or more a week can precede to a physical weakness, while women drinking 12 or more drinks per week are at risk for becoming alcoholics. Time fixtures are varied between the individuals and can be high flown by environmental factors, such as drinking at home, the age when the drinking first began, heredity, and other emotional and mental disorders.

Here is an informative video explaining how Alcohol Addiction is a health issue and not a social issue

17 posts

About author
Priyanka Raj is an engineer by profession but writer at heart. Writing is her passion and she has been actively involves with various organisations like wooplr, colledge connect, spicmacay, rotract club etc. through internships and various other programs. Through Your DOST she wishes to make her opinion count and her writing reach the world.
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