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10 Daily Psychology Hacks to Help Improve Relationships


Here we enlist top 10 everyday psychological hacks to help you improve your relationship with your peers, subordinates, superiors, family and friends. Use it and see the difference! 🙂 

  1. Foot-in-the-door rule. Never ask a big favour when you meet the person for the first time. Ask a smaller favour so it’s easier for them to help you out with and lets you get the work done faster.
  2. When you show how happy you are when you see your friends, they will very much react the same way seeing the excitement coming from you.
  3. Connect to new people you meet by calling them by their name. This usually brings in the bond and friendship faster.
  4. To highlight your confidence, walk into the room with a huge smile telling yourself ‘everyone loves me’.
  5. People remember not what you exactly said but how you made them feel
  6. You can avoid insulting someone by showing indifference. It can be a powerful way of a reaction, making you a stronger person and letting the other person feel you perceive them ‘differently’.
  7. Whenever you ask someone to do a favour, the cognitive dissonance will make them believe that ‘because they did a favour’, they ‘must like you’. (Ben Franklin)
  8. Asking questions make the other person think before answering, particularly when they keep talking and you keep listening. If you end up being silent and keep an eye contact, they will mostly continue talking without giving you a chance.
  9. Pay attention to the ‘feet’. When you see two people having a conversation, watch their feet movement. If they don’t turn with their feet and just turn their torso, they clearly don’t want you to join the conversation. Likewise, if you ever experience a co-worker pointing their feet towards another side while you are talking to him/her, it could mean that they want this conversation to end.
  10. When you put up a big smile on your face, even if you do it deliberately, it will automatically make you feel a lot better.


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