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Video: Don’t Give Up. Don’t Ever Give Up!

1 Mins read

Jim Valvano said in one of his speeches 7 of the most inspiring words ever said by anyone:

Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up!

Here’s a video that beautifully compiles  great thoughts on self-motivation to keep fighting, and keep moving forward.


115 posts

About author
She is Masters in Counseling Psychology and also holds a Diploma in Life skills and Reproductive Health from Christ University.She is experienced in dealing with adolescent , relationship issues, transgenders and psychological trauma in relation to cancer and health issues.Shaifali believes in teamwork, effective communication and spreading & sharing smiles.There's one philosophy that she lives by - There's positivity in each and everyone of us, which when tapped and directed correctly, brings out the best in us.Through YourDOST she wishes to spread smiles by letting people share their burden, bring out their positive side and make them feel empowered.
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