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Rejected in Love? Remember The R-E-W-A-R-D-S Formula to Get Over it

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Rejection does hurt, and it hurts real bad! Agreed. But, what next? Here is R-E-W-A-R-D-S, an acronym for a set of tips you can utilize to pull yourself back on track and continue with your life, and learn much more.

Here is a practical tip by a wise soul,

“Don’t expect the world to treat you fairly just because you’re a good person. it’s like expecting a lion not to attack you because you’re a vegetarian.”

It would also help to understand that there is nothing in the human brain like ‘forgetting’. it does not exist. We say we have forgotten someone or something, and that it does not affect us, when we move and shift our focus to other thoughts, that are helping us with our life. It is for the very fact that we realize, these memories disturb us and not help us. So, instead of fighting with the negative memories, try to replace them with new and positive ones.

A wise soul once said,

The harsh truth is, sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand up taller and emotionally stronger than you ever were before.”


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