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Video: 7 Ways to Identify Your True Calling


Most of us complain of not being able to identify our calling or purpose in life, and by the time a few of us do understand, it’s already too late.

This often leads to stress and anxiety.

Tara Mohr, the author of the best-selling book – Playing Big – comes to the rescue here as she chalks out 7 simple ways to identify one’s calling.

A caveat: a few of the ways may seem counter-intuitive – to understand better, do watch the video:

1. You see a vision of what could be different around a particular issue or a need
2. A pain or frustration with your current aspect of status quo
3. An explicit feeling like,”I am supposed to do this!
4. A sense of resonance and flow – a magical sense of ease – with your calling
5. A feeling of a great resistance towards our calling
6. A feeling that you don’t have everything you need to fulfill your calling
7. A feeling that you aren’t yet to be, who you want to be

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