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ProfessionalSelf Improvement

Top 9 Characteristics of Successful Women

2 Mins read

“The most Successful Women don’t run from change; They run towards it”

With the growing importance of women in every field of the community, we can see that a lot and lot more women have made it big, then be it in the field of Business, Entertainment, Politics or Social Work. There is a lot we can learn from these Successful Women. Here are the top 9 observed traits of Highly Successful Women, we all need to imbibe in ourselves:


  1. High Self-Esteem and Confidence: Successful women are clear about their goals. They believe they have a right to dream and achieve their goals. This also gives them the inner strength to go through hurdles with an open mind  and seek to learn and grow. A higher vision for life is the foundation for all this.
    Malala Yousoufai-Dreams


  2. Self-Awareness: They evaluate themselves to identify their strengths and areas where they need to develop. They make efforts to work on converting their limitations to their strengths, be emotionally resilient and not be bothered by critical remarks or adverse conditions.


  3. Informed Decision Making: They never refuse to the ideas given by others. But at the same time, use their own judgment before taking crucial decisions. 


  4. Open to Build Networks: They never miss out on a chance to meet new people, socialize with useful personalities and also help others to grow. Indira Nooyi, in a recent award ceremony rightly said, “Please help others rise.” This way they get to learn a lot from others.


  5. Having a Healthy Risk Appetite: Successful women are always ready to take risks. However, they make sure these risks are rewarding and also calculated. 
    oprah on risk


  6. Think Out of the Box: They use innovative and unconventional means to achieve their desired outcome. It not only gives them a creative benefit but also most of the times makes it economically feasible.


  7. Striking the Right Balance Between Work and Family: Equal emphasis on spending time with children and family and for their hobbies helps them cope with stress better.


  8. Finding Happiness in Small Things: The adage of High thinking and simple living makes them take life as it comes. They believe in not complicating life but living it in simplicity.
    Mother Theresa living in the moment


  9. Being Assertive: The ability to say ‘No’ when required and being assertive helps in prioritizing their tasks. They make sure to get their points across.


    It is time for you to fly. Don’t let the burden pull you down. You can be successful too. 🙂 

15 posts

About author
Ms. Malini Shah is a special friend at YourDOST. She is a practicing Counselor/ Behavioral Trainer and EAP [ Employee Assistance Program ] professional. She has Co Founded Aastha Chrysalis Center - Transformation through Faith in Mumbai, India. Her functional experience is in Counseling and Therapies [Cognitive and Gestalt, Play and Art Therapy, Guided Visualization], Parenting ,Career Testing and Guidance, Life Skills Development Program for Students, Psychological Testing, Learning & Development, Coaching, HR –Recruitment & Selection and Management Training ,Psychometric Testing, Emotional Issue, Trauma and Grief Counseling, Exit Interviews.
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