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How I Emerged Victorious From an Abusive Marriage

She is the head of the Medical Operations of a company, a healthcare consultant to multiple healthcare start-ups and a part time model. Life, could not be more perfect for her!


But rewind back to three years when she was standing at the metro station in a shabby kurti and undone hair, ready to throw herself on the tracks, wanting to end her life. Life, could not have been more awful for her!

Meet Prachi Bhutani. What is most heartbreaking about her story is that it is not unusual. Like many other young women, across the country, Ms. Bhutani got married and dreamt of a fairytale life with her husband. But life had different plans for her.

Ms. Bhutani’s in-laws and her husband criticized everything she did, right from her looks (her curly hair and body structure) to the food that she cooked. She was asked to distance herself from her family and to not care about them.

It went to the extent that, if she did not obey these directions, her husband would drag her out of the house or call her parents and hurl abuses at them. The worst part is that standing by the metro tracks on that winter day, Ms. Bhutani thought it was all her fault.

But she did not end her life that day. She is not entirely sure what held her back. Was it her parents? Her sweet nephews? Or maybe it was the voice deep, deep down inside her that told her that she could actually make it by herself, and live the kind of life she wanted to.

From being a simple girl who just took things as they came, Ms. Bhutani evolved into a woman who learnt to dream big, chase her dreams and not settle for anything less than what she deserves. The minute she walked out of her marriage and decided to face society and take their questions by the horns, she felt like a weight was lifted off of her.

And today, the sky is the limit. Marriage is important, she says, but the right way is to dream big, fly high, know your dreams & then fall in love in the process.

She ends with the message to stay hopeful and to always remember that, ‘This too shall pass’.

Are you having a difficult time adjusting to life after coming out of a bad relationship? It’s alright. We are there for you. Talk to experts at YourDOST and avail guidance and support. It could change your life — for good.

Original published on (The Logical Indian)

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