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6 Tips To Stop Over-Eating (Proven By Research)

So you were at an all you can eat buffet. Before you left home you had vowed not to overeat tonight, and just try small quantities of whatever seemed interesting.

Research Backed Hacks To Control Overeating.

By the end of the meal, you need to unbutton your pants and need a few seconds to catch your breath after climbing down the flight of stairs.

You overate, AGAIN!

Well, here are a few hacks, all backed by research, you can use to not overeat:

Quite like a spurned lover, food also is, according to ‘Mindless Eating: Why we eat more than we think’, “out of sight, out of mind”. In fact according to research quoted in the book ‘Slim by Design: Mindless Eating Solutions for Everyday Life’, those who tend to overeat at buffets are the ones who were most likely sitting facing the buffet, looking at all that food and seeing people go back for seconds, thirds, fourths – you get the drift.

Now imagine, as a rule, that you had to physically cross over a barbed fence every time you had to get to the bakery? 

You must foresee your meal. As observed by the author of the book ‘Slim by Design: Mindless Eating Solutions for Everyday Life’ the skinnier people first went through the whole buffet mentally and then only chose those items that they really liked, as opposed to the overeaters who ate everything in the order arranged, and ate anything they didn’t hate.

A study conducted by University of Rhode Island in 2011, shows a co-relation between the rate (or speed) of eating and the amount of calories consumed. Women who were encouraged to pause between bites and chew 15-20 times before swallowing consumed significantly less number of calories than women who were encouraged to eat fast. Basically eating slowly lets the feeling of being ‘full’ set in.

According to research quoted in ‘Mindless eating: Why we eat more than we think’, when given the choice of three flavours of yogurt, people were likely to consume 23% more than when the choice was just one flavor.

As explained in ‘Mindless eating: Why we eat more than we think’, you consume about 35 % more calories when you eat with one other person, 75 % more in a table for four and 96 % more in a table for seven or more, as compared to when you are eating alone.

So, these are 6 hacks to use to not over eat unconsciously. Of course, these tips are in addition to a healthy, balanced diet and sufficient exercise.

Do sound out your thoughts in the comments below. If you have issues with appetite or binge eating, get in touch with YourDOST experts for help.

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