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4 Proven Ways to Stop Worrying (Backed by Research)

One of the strongest human emotions is worry. While worry in itself is not bad, too much of it can lead to anxiety and may have a lasting and deep effect on our happiness and overall wellbeing. But as much as we want to shut it when life gets challenging, it tends to keep coming back and haunt us. Don’t ‘worry’, there are ways to help you reduce worry – backed by research.


Let’s look at 4 unique ways to help you get rid of worrying.

So carve out about half an hour each day to worry ‘productively’, that is think of all your worries and coming up with solutions for themAny worrying thought that occurs outside of this period should not be entertained. In fact, this is what is suggested by a study published in the Journal of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.

Of course, meditation, exercise, and a healthy diet all contribute to a less worrisome life. Do you have any unique ways of dealing with your worries? Do let us know in the comments below.

If you are bogged down by your worries, you can avail help from our experts at YourDOST! We are always here to help!

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