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How To Maintain A Loving Long Distance Relationship With Parents

We are because of our parents, yet many a time we may be caught up with our chores and in our individual spaces. Today many families are disjointed ‒ siblings are in different cities or countries and parents are living in another place. Add on to it the time lag, and communication goes for a toss. These days both children and parents confront newer challenges ‒ retirement or career changes, health issues and concerns about the future. This may cause issues but as you change, your relations with parents will also undergo a change. 



But no matter what, children are and will always be the source of strength and happiness for their parents. Maintaining this emotional bond and showing them care and affection is very important. And I don’t mean just a status update on your Facebook stating “I miss you, Mom and Dad”, on certain occasions.

We are, in a way, in a long distance relationship with our parents. And keeping and maintaining a long distance relationship is never easy – it requires efforts. Understanding their issues and being supportive at a time when they need you is the bedrock of a healthy relationship with parents. 

Here are a few things you can do to show that you really care and improve your relationship with your parents.

One of my client ‒ let’s call her Neha ‒ makes it a point to always listen to her parents even when she knows the details about something, for example, where to invest. She values their advice, and the underlying concern and care behind it.

Similarly, keeping track of their whereabouts and their safely is another important thing you must do. 

Feeling and acting like an adult around your parents is the cornerstone of having a healthy adult relationship with them. Communicating not only about personal life, family memories or gossip, but talk on a variety of subjects like sports, games, events or work. 

You should strive to create opportunities for exploring and uncovering memories by asking them for stories about their own or encouraging them to talk about their accomplishments, and other high points in their lives.

Here are a few other things you can do for them:

And finally, it’s ok to miss your parents and even feel guilty for not being able to spend enough time with them. But it’s never too late as long as they are around. Follow these tips and embrace every moment with them – love them with all your heart.

How do you make your parents feel special? Please do mention in the comments below.

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