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PersonalSelf Improvement

Shailaja Shares Her Battle With Depression

2 Mins read

Depression is not feeling sad once in a blue moon, it is rather persistent feelings of sadness and worthlessness. There is a lack of desire to engage in any pleasurable activities. Shailaja Vishwanath battled depression with the support of her family. But how many of you are even aware of it?

“Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia- these were terms that were vaguely familiar to me as a Psychology student back in 1998, three years before I myself fell victim to the insidious vice of mental illness that threatened to rip apart my family and brought me to the brink of suicide.”

She had been a student of Psychology and was aware of depression. Yet, when it took over her she could not handle it well. She was lost and took professional help as her family intervened.

Shailaja Vishwanathan's Story of Depression

Shailaja clarifies that there are no standardised symptoms of depression. The stigma attached to mental illness is such that the symptoms are often left undetected, unresolved and even shamed by the society. Sometimes only when there is an extreme behavioral reaction it becomes the first symptom of a mental ailment.

She suffered from insomnia, suicidal tendencies, hallucinations, and extreme violent mood swings. She couldn’t sing or write during this time even though she had always been skilled with them. Conversing with friends and family had become impossible for her.

“Depression changed me, in obvious ways, of course. Soon after recovery, it became difficult for me to trust people, open up or speak up the way I used to before the illness. With time and dedicated support, though, these things became a thing of the past.”

Shailaja was blessed to be supported by her family. She did not shy away from approaching a therapist for help. This helped her successfully win the battle against depression.

While mental ailments are not like Cancer or AIDS, they are equally important. Her final message encourages people to open up and look after their mental wellness.

“It may be challenging especially if you or someone you know suffers from it. My suggestion? Go for the treatment, address the issue the way you would any health concern and stop worrying about what people may think of you. Ultimately, this is your battle and if you don’t fight it, who will? Find your support system and rope them in as your strongest guides who will do anything for you.”

Source: BlogAdda

YourDOST celebrate the #BraveSpirit of Shailaja to come out of the closet and accept her condition.

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YourDOST is an Online Emotional Wellness Coach. Through YourDOST anyone can Sign Up and anonymously seek advice and guidance from Counsellors, Psychologists, Special Friends, Mentors and other experienced individuals.
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