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Actress Lena Headey of ‘Game of Thrones’ speaks about her Anxiety

Actress Lena Headey plays the popular character of Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones. To show her support for the importance of mental health, she came clean about her struggle with anxiety, on social media.

Most of you may feel anxious in different situations. It is common to feel nervous before an interview or making important decisions. But an anxiety disorder is when such distress interferes with your ability to live a normal life. Most of us are unaware of ways to deal with situations like these. Mental health needs to be openly discussed. Understanding the necessity of having honest conversations regarding mental illnesses, she adds,

“Globally we see constant destruction of human lives. Which no matter your belief, has an effect. If we scale it back to family and community, it’s been lost to greed and aspiration, no wonder we have anxiety, no wonder we overthink…”

The sooner the illness can be identified, the easier it is to deal with them. Lena highlights a significant point saying,

“Anxiety. Depression. It’s real and it’s chemical. It’s also spiritual.”

The Game of Thrones star concluded by saying that she was fine but urged her fans to give importance to their mental health.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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