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Zen of Cats


An average house cat has it in her DNA to snooze an average of 16 hours daily. Kittens, like human babies, sleep even more because they need a growth hormone that is secreted during sleep.

Being hunters, cats have the ability to perform vertical leaps of up to 5 feet in the air or 7 times their own height.

Cats spend up to one-third of their waking lives cleaning themselves. Their poor grooming may be a symptom of old age or ill health.

Cats encourage humans with their purring, affectionate rubs, and an occasional warning swipe.

Cats are independent and curious animals. They examine their environments from different angles — from high counter tops to beneath the bed and even around corners before jumping into action.

Cats were worshipped as gods in ancient Egypt. Any cat owner can tell you they have never forgotten it.

Cats have an incredible ability to find and maintain eye contact.

Cats experience the same emotions as you do. They undergo the same chemical changes that humans do during emotional states.

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