YourDOST Blog

10 Situations That are Absolute Nightmares for Introverts

Introverts, don’t you hate it when people don’t understand you? Well, say no more fam. We got you.

Hey people, here are a few situations that are as nightmarish as it can get for our introverted friends :

1. A crowded and noisy party

Introvert at a party

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“I could’ve stayed at home and read a book”

2. Making small talk with a stranger

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“Actually I’m allergic to small talk”

3. Asked to speak in a class

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“Umm, no thanks”

4. Group projects

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“Oh God! What did I do to deserve this hell?”

5. A crowded store

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“I had to talk to people. It was AWFUL!”

6. An unexpected phone call

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“Oh God NO!”

7. An expected phone call

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“Seriously, it’s 2017. Who makes calls?”

8. Making a phone call

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“That’s easy…..NOT”

9. A family gathering

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“Oh hi Mausi, can you kill me please?”

10. A surprise party

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“Why? Why would you do that me? WHYYYY?”

An introvert after finding out that this article is over

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All jokes apart, introverts rock. They’re so unique in their own way, and we love them.

Are you an introvert? Do you want to unravel your best qualities? Your #SilentWhispers don’t have to be silent anymore. Talk to an Expert at YourDOST.


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