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How Clara Faced Abuse, Battled Suicidal Thoughts And Still Won at Life

5 Mins read

 Beautifully Broken
My journey through depression, anxiety, and abuse.


“Where do you want to go?”
– Away

I have always felt the strong urge to go somewhere far away. My name is Clara Asirvatham, and I’m a loner. I’m a 26-year-old writer from Bengaluru. 15th Feb 1991, I and my twin happily jumped into this world from our mother’s womb. I had a whole life in front of me. The world was my playground.

Suicide Survivor's Story

Photo: Pixabay

My childhood was awesome even though I lost my dad when I was few years old. I did not remember anything about him, hence suffered less emotionally. However, mom’s determination and struggle to raise us couldn’t stop me from missing my dad. I didn’t miss him personally, but I missed the “Father Figure” in my life. I wanted to be a daddy’s little girl too. I respected what mom was doing- a young, working, beautiful single-parent who was still getting used to the “widow” tag but come on I missed dad dropping me to school.

I missed the “Father Figure” in my life, I wanted to be a daddy’s little girl too

Suicide Suvivor's Story

Photo: Pixabay

I don’t remember the date when emptiness and a feeling that I didn’t know was sadness back then crept into my life. When I was 11 years old, I enjoyed playing with my sister after school time. We would reach home, freshen up and play before mom came home. Those were the best days of my life. My sister and I fought over games, laughed at our silliness, ate together, adopted a pet, tied a swing to our window, and stole each other’s snacks! Little did I know, that my happiness will soon end and the beautiful curve of my lips will become straight. I stopped laughing or smiling.

Suicide Survivor Stories

Photo: Pixabay

If only someone would have stopped and asked me what was happening, I swear I would have cried. If only someone had asked me why I stopped playing, I would have told I didn’t like the game of being touched inappropriately. I started dressing appropriately and avoided all my friends. This was the first time I wanted to end my life. My dad took his own life by consuming poison. I had heard many narrate to me how he ended his life. I wanted to do the same. I felt like taking a bath a million times to clean the dirt that I felt in my body. Oh wait, I think it damaged my soul more than my body.

I felt like taking a bath a million times to clean the dirt that I felt in my body

We changed our house and moved closer to my school. I was happy it all ended. But did it? A few months later, a person who was a “Family Friend”, “Teacher”, “Church member”, started abusing me. It all began when mom was not around. I thought this man who was thrice my age was a friend who came with gifts. Every day, I was being abused in my own house. I couldn’t tell my mom anything as I was scared I’d upset her when she already works so much to raise us. I used to get angry whenever I saw this person though. I avoided staying alone at home and went to tuitions instead even when I knew I didn’t need them. He attacked me when I came back from tuitions. He stood at the end of the street, under the tree, in the darkness.

 Every day, I was being abused in my own house

Guys from my class who knew about the abuse tried taking advantage of me instead of helping me out. It broke my heart when the crush of my life proposed to me when I was 16 only to take advantage of me as the abuser had told him that he could get to me easily. I felt I didn’t deserve a meaningful relationship just because I was being abused. I thought about dying but was confused how to do it.

Guys from my class who knew about the abuse tried taking advantage of me

My first suicide attempt was after my first relationship failed. I was 17 years old and heartbroken. I felt men were taking advantage of me, but I longed for a man’s love. I wanted someone who would protect me from my abuser. Days passed by and I finally gathered the courage to tell my sister about my abuse. She made me call the abuser’s family from my mom’s phone which she flicked for me. I still remember how we stood at the corner of the street, away from my house, and told the abuser’s wife and son what was happening. My sister assured nothing like this will ever happen to me again. Thankfully, it didn’t.

Suicide Survivor Stories

Photo: Pixabay

The scars were already there; the hurt was deep. The memories haunted me. I had nightmares of being abused almost every night. I couldn’t walk straight; I slouched, I dropped my shoulders as I was so scared anyone can pull me anytime. I still walk this way. On multiple occasions, I have tried ending my life. I didn’t find a purpose to live. I felt depressed, sad, lonely, and used all the time. Even during the happiest days, I have felt incomplete. I couldn’t define the feeling that I felt. At one point, I glorified suicide. I just wanted to stop everything. I didn’t want to feel any pain and I thought to end my life was the best solution.

Even during the happiest days, I have felt incomplete

Suicide Survivor Story

Photo: Pixabay

Right now, I’m being treated for depression and anxiety. I’m finding my way out. Counselling, dance therapy, art classes, music, travel, poetry helps. If you ask me, if it is worth trying, yes, it is! Life can throw a million obstacles at you but living through it is worth it. If you stumble and fall and you think you can’t get up at all, make it a part of your dance. When you think it is all over and you can’t see why you should live- hang on, breathe, stop, remember somewhere someone else feels the same way too. Suicide is not an option. You deserve to live and feel all the happiness in this world.

Ask for help- it makes you stronger

Whenever your depression kicks in and your past tears you apart, remember that this is just a bend and not the end. I grew up as a fatherless girl and was vulnerable because my dad chose suicide. I don’t want to do that to the beautiful people living in my life. I do not want to make my mom grieve for me; my sisters miss me.

Suicide Survivor Story

Photo: Pixabay

I’m now married to a wonderful man who loves my flaws, my deepness, my madness, my tears, my story, my past, and embraces my shortcomings. He has held my hand through depression, abuse, and has helped me put away my suicidal intentions. If you are suicidal, please talk it out to someone. There will be someone out there who is willing to listen. Don’t ever be mute about abuse or suicide. Ask for help- it makes you stronger. Hey, life picked up the wrong person to mess with- didn’t it?

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About author
Clara is a writer from Bangalore. She is a wanderer, desperately wandering for meaning in life. Searching for answers, questioning, and debating. She travels miles to sit at the seashore or watch the city from a mountain top. She runs, dances, loves getting wet in rain, and lose her way. Wandering alone or with a loved one is being alive to her. A traveller who doesn't plan her trips, who takes each road as it comes and the one who travels too far to find herself.
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