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How Akshay Popped the Bubble of Negativity through Counselling

How Akshay popped the bubble of negativity through counselling.

“Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.”  Khalil Gibran

Today’s era depends on technology and social media. While these come as a boon to almost all, it is also a bane for some of us. In tough times, spreading accurate and positive messages is highly recommended, but from time to time it has been proven that such social media platforms spread lies and false information. Constantly going through social media platforms and absorbing all the negativity can turn our minds toxic from pleasant. Many people find it difficult to be in the bubble of negativity surrounding them and fall in the pool of anxiety.

Akshay, a 25 year old HR professional who has been placed to one of the most prestigious companies in India, Infosys from his institution. This shift happened to Akshay when the Covid 19 cases were at its peak in Mumbai and the entire country was filled with negativity and finding ways to cope with it. Akshay, being idle at his home in Mumbai was deeply affected by many death news reports including some of his friends’ parents. Surrounded by a pessimistic approach and news that can cause a tornado in our minds, Akshay began to worry about his and his parents’ health.

This led him to be anxious all the time and in a constant state of worry. Akshay decided to put an end to the spiraling and the negative thoughts by seeking professional help. His colleague suggested that he should try counselling from YourDOST.

“I was asked to journal down my thoughts and this gave me an insight about the type of negative thoughts I had regarding the situation.”

Akshay reached out to one of the counsellors of YourDOST, Reema Singh. Reema’s first advice to Akshay was to identify his triggers. She advised him to write a daily journal with his thoughts, unfiltered. This technique helped Akshay understand his thought process and helped him to find potential triggers. Reema also advised Akshay to do a self-introspection about the kind of news and media consumed by him on a daily basis.

Akshay was in awe of the data, as he discovered he was spending a huge chunk of his time reading and listening to the news, which would impact his mental state deeply. After this, Akshay was asked to transform his negative thoughts to positive thoughts and feel more grateful about his surroundings. Gratitude writing has really helped Akshay and made him a better person.

“I am very thankful for her and being there for me in a professional way and supporting him through his dark time.”

Practicing gratitude also made Akshay get rid of irrational and dark thoughts. His stress levels began to reduce drastically and Akshay could see changes in his attitude and behaviour patterns. In Akshay’s words, “I felt so much better and I was not as worried as I was before.”, he expressed his gratitude and feeling of satisfaction after counselling sessions with Reema. He was especially happy about the fact that she was very supportive and patient through all the sessions. 

“For any task that you do there’s that initial inertia of sitting for a long time, you really don’t want to get up. That is the most important part though for mental health, the first step in deciding to seek help is the most important and difficult step.”

Akshay’s advice to everyone is to not shy away from seeking help. Being overwhelmed and anxious can occur at any time, but it depends on us how to control it and turn it into an opportunity to be a better person with a healthy mindset.

Akshay’s Warrior Tips:
1. Seeking professional help always tops advice from family or friends. Reaching out is always better than remaining nomad and ignorant.
2. One should learn how to separate a piece of information from informative to depressive. This can help many to be more mindful of news/ data they consume.

Are you someone who has gone through a difficult phase and emerged stronger and better, with some professional help? Share your story with us to encourage thousands of others who might be struggling. Click here to submit your story.

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